Sunday, 4 March 2018

commands of mariadb database in linux

To install maria db
[root@localhost Desktop]# yum install mariadb* -y

To start and enable mariadb
[root@localhost Desktop]# systemctl enable mariadb; systemctl start mariadb

[root@localhost Desktop]# mysql_secure_installation

To check socket number of  mariadb 
[root@localhost Desktop]# ss –tulpn | grep mysql

To enable or disable mariadb in network (0=enable, 1=disable)
[root@localhost Desktop]# vi /etc/my.cnf

[root@localhost Desktop]# systemctl start mariadb

To login on mariadb
[root@localhost Desktop]# mysql –u root –p redhat 

To check databases in mariadb
Show databases; 

To open database
Use mysql;

To create new database
Create database testing; 

To check tables in database
Show tables;

To create table in database
Create table abc (user_name varchar(20),mod integer(10)); 
Create table abc (
Name varchar(20),
Name1 integer(5),
Name2 integer(5),
Primary key (name2));

To insert values in table
Insert into abc values (‘kuldeep’,1234567890);

To check details of table
Describe abc

To check the values of table
Select * from abc

To check the specific values of specific column in table 
Select * from abc where amp=’kuldeep'

To add or remove column in table 
Alter table abc add newcolumn varchar(5) notnull;

Alter table abc drop newcolumn; 

To rename column
Alter table abc change column_name new_name varchar(30);

To modify column property
Alter table abc modify column_name varchar(50);

To rename table name
Rename table old_name to new_name;

To create user 
Create user user1@localhost identified by ‘password’;

To delete user 
Drop user user1@localhost; 

To check users
Select host,user,password from user1;

To set privilege for the user 
Grant select,update,insert,drop on databasename.tablename to user1@hostname;

To remove privilege from the user
Revoke select,drop on databasename.tablename form user1@hostname;

To give all privilege
Grant all on databasename.* to user1@hostname; 

To change password for user 
Set password for user1 = password(‘123456’);

To take backup of mariadb database
Mysqldump –u –p databasename > backupfile.dump 

To restore mariadb database
Mysql –u –p databasename < backupfile.dump

To bind the range through we can connect to database remotely
[root@localhost Desktop]#vi /etc/my.cnf 

[root@localhost Desktop]#mysql –u root –p

Grant all privillages on database.* to ducat@’%’ identifiedby ‘1234’

To login on database server remotely
[root@localhost Desktop]#mysql –u u1 –p databasename –h 

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